
Saving the Israeli vulture: A lifeline for the biblical bird of prey

Until the 1950s, there were still an estimated 1,000 pairs of vultures in Israel. Today, there are fewer than 200 such birds. 


Disney's Lion King: Is Mufasa Jewish? Parallels between Mufasa and Jewish scripture suggest he is

"The Lion King" echoes ancient Jewish tales through parallels with Joseph, Moses, and Jewish symbolism, enriching its narrative with Judeo-Christian elements and cultural resonance.

Marine experts in Australia in race to save 140 stranded pilot whales

Up to four pods of whales have washed ashore in Western Australia near Perth.


Sneaker or consort? Squid birth dates determine how they reproduce - study

Spear squid males are either consorts, who compete with males for females, or sneakers, who discreetly fertilize eggs. Which tactic a squid will use is determined by their birth date, a study says.


Police arrest multiple people on suspicion of planning Passover sacrifices in Jerusalem

Police arrested 21 individuals suspected of planning a Passover sacrifice in Jerusalem. The Hanenu organization's legal center was notified of eight arrests.

World’s oldest gorilla celebrates 67th birthday in Berlin zoo

Born in 1957 and transported to a zoo in West Berlin in 1959, Fatou has lived an extraordinarily long life which was commemorated with a special treat of fruit and vegetables. 

Owl injured in evacuated northern town is nursed back to health by KKL-JNF

The owl was discovered by the side of the road injured, mostly likely from a passing vehicle.

Cats and dogs exhibit bizarre behaviors ahead of solar eclipse

As the US prepared for the solar eclipses that occurred on Monday, our furry friends started displaying some interesting behaviors.

'Garden of Eden': Israel's Jordan Valley opens new national park

A prehistoric Garden of Eden with mammoths, giraffes, saber-tooth tigers, and hippopotami

Most rabbit owners can recognize pain in their pets but not subtler kinds, study finds

Most rabbit owners can recognize pain in their pets but not subtler discomfort, UK study finds

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